Transforming Lives,
One Returning Citizen At A Time​

Welcome to VIP Reentry Services, where we believe having someone who knows life on the inside, who is now successful on the outside can be the key to your success as a productive member of society.

VIP Reentry Coaches will assist you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself!

Our Vision

Our Vision is to keep you alive and out of prison by dealing with the root cause of the issue. Changing the criminal mindset and renewing hope, love and self worth. We see safer communities for you and your children through the power of Trust, Training and Transformation. 

Mission Statement

Reentry begins behind the fences!
The Mission of VIP Reentry Services is to reduce crime and recidivism by providing returning citizens (RC) mental toughness and vocational training while on the inside so they can obtain and maintain a livable wage job with the possibility of turning it into a career when they return to their community on the outside. Our partnership with FIU Construction Trades and Department of Corrections will allow both men and women to receive vocational pre/apprenticeship trades training that will transform their lives. The key to our success is assigning a REENTRY COACH who will mentor and follow up with RC for one year to assist with any barriers they may encounter. We have the Reentry formula.

Success Stories

  1. Meet Mr. Oliver

    He graduated from one of our partners carpentry apprenticeship class and was ready to work. We connected him with one of our many second chance employers and he is now working with a great company. “I highly recommend if you are looking for work contact Ignacio and his team-they will make it happen.”

  2. Meet Mr. Walker

    His grandmother reached out to us for assistance with his Reentry from prison back to his community. He recently returned home after doing 26 years behind the fences for a mistake he made as a teenager.
    Mr. Walker is now working at a new job. “I am so grateful for all the assistance and support VIP Reentry Services has provided me.”

  3. Meet Ms. Rodriguez

    Sarah recently received a promotion at her job and is about to receive her Associates in Science. She learned from her mistakes and has turned her life around for the good. She plans on sharing her success story to young ladies who find themselves where she once was.

    She said “And thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I promise a lot of the stuff I learned has stuck with me!”

  4. Meet Mr. Ceaser

    Mr. Ceaser returned home after 27 years. We met at the Reentry Center where I go in regularly to facilitate a reentry class that prepares them to face the challenges they will encounter on the outside. Today I did a home visit to go over his short term goals and to set up an action plan so he can start on his path of success. He is working and doing great.

  5. Meet Ms. Launa

    As her Reentry Coach I am so proud of all her accomplishments:

    • May 8th 2022 released from DOC
    • July 24th reunited with my oldest.
    • Aug 17th got my license.
    • Aug 30th started FIU Construction Trades
    • Sept reunited with my father after 27 years
    • Nov 11th started my own business
    • Nov 24th Reunited with my youngest
      Today blessed and eager to see what 2023 brings.

  6. Meet Mr. Valdez.

    His smile is priceless. This is his first Christmas in 12 years home with his family. We met while he was inside the reentry center. He is working and staying in touch weekly with his Reentry Coach. You are
    VIP a very important person to me.